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Trade School class on Economics of Education

I will be going to this Trade School class after our class on March 29th, and welcome you to join me. You will have to figure out which of the teacher’s barter requests you can fulfill, as Trade School runs on barter exchanges:

What does it mean to teach or learn something?  How does that transaction then fit into economics?  At a time of growing student debt, weighty university infrastructure, inventive start-ups, and changing technology, how can you think about the economics of education?  This class grows out of observations and hopes:  (1) The Occupy activism seems partly rooted in paralyzing student debt, yet also itself offers the structure for a radical DIY education movement.  (2) In the same way that iTunes unbundled an album into a playlist, technologies enable the unbundling of higher education.  Institutions like General Assembly, Brooklyn Brainery, and Skillshare could be beta versions that grow int large, democratically available, curated learning platforms.  In this participatory lecture, we will try on a lot of these ideas and think openly about inventing the future structures and systems of education.

More on Trade School here.



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