As we have discussed, your midterm assignment is to create at least two different project proposals that each have at least two scope variations: one full and a reduced version.
Each of the (at least) two proposals should follow this structure:
- an introductory descriptive paragraph, which should include a problem statement, and say *what* your tool/thing will do. This is your abstract, or elevator pitch. This should not have the full theoretical framing of the project. That will come in the final.
- a set of personas
- a use case scenario (where would someone find your tool/thing and how would they use it). Keep it short.
- How you will make the full fledged version. This is your “ideal world” version that fulfills all of your visions and fantasies (what tools you will use, how you will get them, how confident you are that all the moving parts will work together, etc)
- Your assessment of how much time this will take, and how much of the skills you currently know and what you would have to learn.
- How you will make the stripped down version. The stripped down version is the minimally viable product. It is the most *bare bones* version to prove that what you are trying to get at is viable. (what tools you will use, how you will get them, how confident you are that all the moving parts will work together, etc)
- Your assessment of how much time this will take, and how much of the skills you currently know and what you would have to learn.
You are welcome (but not required) to repeat the last two steps with scope variations in-between the full fledged and bare bones version.
I would expect two proposals with two scope variations would be effectively in 4 to 7 page range (though you will be turning in online). I am less concerned with page count, and more concerned with your process (as with all assignments in this class).
You will hopefully notice that you have done a lot of this work already. I have structured it this way. Your job here is to combine and revise the work you have already done, fill the holes, and assess each projects feasibility.
The proposals will be submitted as blog posts prior to class on March 15th.
Class that week will be dedicated to workshopping the proposals. The format we will follow will be that each participant will choose one of their two proposals to present orally. You will have 5 minutes to present, and we will have 5 minutes for feedback. Think of this as a pitch. You will want to lay out the project abstract, present very short versions of your personas, give one use case scenario, and then talk about how you would build it, and how long you think it would take.
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